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Dream Again

Writer's picture: Diana BurksDiana Burks

Get your hopes up! Have an expectation of great things from God stirring in your heart! You have a powerful heavenly Father, the God of the universe who is on your side. You are not alone. He is ready and waiting to give you hope as you set your expectations on His goodness coming to you this year. He loves you more than you know.

You are set apart, chosen, and called for such a time as this. He hasn't forgotten you. He hasn't lost sight of you but instead He watches over you carefully and He guides you with His eye upon you.

Psalm 32:8 The Lord says, "I will guide you along with the best pathway for your life. I will advise you and watch over you." Another version says, " I will counsel you with my loving eye on you."

Whether you and I feel like God is seeing the details of our lives or not, this scripture in Psalm tells us that He is guiding us with His loving eye upon us.

1 Peter 5:7 "casting all of your cares (all your anxieties, all of your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all on Him, for He cares about you (with deepest affection and watches over you very carefully)."

I know the battle that can occur in our minds to believe truth. Disappointment and discouragement can attack us on a regular basis if we let it. Our circumstances may try to convince us that God doesn't see us or doesn't care. We all are in a battle to believe the truth about ourselves instead of lies the enemy tries to get stuck inside our heads and play on repeat like a recording. He wants us to believe that we have missed out, and it may be the right timing for others but not for you. He does his best to try to get us to believe the lie that God isn't for you.

We have to resist the temptation to feel like it is too late to fulfill our destiny or that God has forgotten us. Regardless of emotions that scream for attention that say we don't feel like God is at work, He is. He is at work in your life at this very moment. He knows every detail and every struggle you are facing. He cares about you and wants to guide you into a life full of peace and hope!

He wants you to know that He has plans for your future that are for good and full of hope. He is the God of Hope! He wants to fill your heart today with hope for your future. Jeremiah 29:11-13

He longs to tell you the next steps to take towards your destiny and His plan for your life. He places dreams in your heart as you yield control to Him and ask Him to be in the driver's seat of your life. This place of freedom produces hope, because no longer does it depend on you. You have given control to the one and only true King of Kings, Jesus, and He knows the final destination.

God desires to drop His dreams, His vision and His passion down into your heart so you can step into the life you have always dreamed about, the one that is truly satisfying. No one knows the destiny God has for you better than the One that created you.

You are called to live out His dream for your life and fulfill your purpose on earth. Will you dare to dream again in 2019? We all have a destiny waiting that God planned before the foundation of the earth for us to walk in. As we ask, seek, and knock to find out the roadmap for this new year, ask God to place His dreams in your heart and then give you the courage to take steps as He leads you with His eye upon you.

He can't wait to watch you fulfill His dream for your life!

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